From the Quarterly

The Shroud


This is the experience of waiting: wanting to be doing something but knowing it won’t mean anything—the meaning is what we’re waiting for.

Full Stop Quarterly: Winter 2020


In this issue we look at and beyond all sorts of crisis-bred monsters.

Mind Melding Across the Genre Divide


To choose the “we” narrator is inherently political. The collectively narrated novel is fairly new—to literary realism, anyway.

Narcissus and Lethe


Most of the time we become through ambivalence—not caring either way—in an ill-fitting place of unfulfilled desire. Essays on ambivalence and forgetting.

Hyperstitional Theory-Fiction


A generation of highly original thinkers whose commitment to their work was not limited to the fickle favors of the research and education sector. An all-too-brief introduction.



The statue was renamed, or named twice: the Dionysus-Sardanapalus. Each name is a mirror of itself and the opposite. The statue embodies the unstable relationship between history, narrative, and artifact.

Winter Dreaming


To write fan-fiction is to re-write, to bend time, to insert oneself into a queer narrative that is both already-impossible and newly-possible through the projection of desire onto fictional proxies.

Native Tongue Trilogy – Suzette Haden Elgin


A forgotten classic of feminist dystopian fiction, the NATIVE TONGUE trilogy is a brilliant illustration of how writers might use genre to grapple with the problems of patriarchy.

Zones of Darkness


Our thoughts about the mind or our minds themselves? Popular science at the edge of meaning.

The Full Stop Reviews Supplement #6


This issue of the Full Stop Reviews Supplement is about exploring some of the infrastructures of reading.