From the Quarterly

Full Stop Quarterly: Genre Expectations


This issue of the Full Stop Quarterly is about genre, its limits, and the liberatory potential we discover at the edges of generic forms.

Full Stop Reviews Supplement: Nazi Literature on the Internet


Small Press Publishing & the Normalization of Fascism

Images from Graduate Student Union Campaigns (Part 1)


What’s a movement without a few buttons and bullhorns?

Zach Schwartz-Weinstein


You really need to think strategically about how universities work, how they are trying to invest their capital, and then go after them on those grounds, and use our positionality as contingent academics to our advantage.

Organizing Undergraduates: Expanding the Academic Union


Incorporating undergraduates into graduate unions, which are already mobilizing student workers on campus, is one potential method for organizing this growing labor force.

#UsToo: How Unions Could Fight Harassment in STEM


Calls for more data and institutional leadership can only do so much: we must also change who holds power in our universities and who is subject to that power.

With or Without U


Organizing Graduate Workers Beyond Trump’s NLRB

Kim Tolley


I think graduate students deserve the right to organize. So if I can help people understand that it’s not hard to start, I’ll feel very happy with this interview. 

Union-Busting on the Prairie


The University of Iowa is a prairie-bound theater of the entwined ideological wars on labor rights and academic freedom.

Paying to Work


On the Student/Worker Distinction