Founded in 2011 to resist the conglomeration of book publishing and the ever-narrowing avenues for literary and cultural criticism, Full Stop publishes criticism with an emphasis on debuts, works in translation, and books published by small presses. Our writers and editors give rigorous attention to works without substantial financial backing or cultural recognition, or that may not be covered elsewhere. Proud to collaborate with emerging and underrepresented writers, Full Stop publishes reviews, interviews, and feature essays online, along with two to four digital quarterlies per year.
Full Stop is committed to solidarity with the people of Palestine and their liberation and has endorsed the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).
Editorial Collective
Managing Editor: Emily Alex
Reviews Editors: Fiona Bell, Olivia Durif, Yeukai Zimbwa, Sarah Yanni
Features Editors: Kaila Philo, Emily Alex
Interviews Editors: Michael Schapira, Rebecca McCarthy
Blog Editor: Devin Smith
Web Editor: Eric Jett
Editors at Large: Max Rivlin-Nadler, Alex Shephard, Caren Beilin, Jesse Miller, Helen Stuhr-Rommereim, Hannah Lamb-Vines, Kyle Williams
Founding Editors: Alex Shephard, Jesse Montgomery, Max Rivlin-Nadler, Amanda Shubert, Eric Jett, Nika Knight
We are open for submissions year-round. We do not have a submission fee.
Please send pitches or submissions to the appropriate section editors at the email addresses linked above. Note that we do not publish fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction.
We are currently able to pay for feature-length essays only.
For additional information, contact emily [at] full-stop [dot] net.
Full Stop is a 501(c)(3) organization run by a volunteer editorial collective, and all donations and sales help us continue our work with young writers and artists.
You can support Full Stop by becoming a member at our Patreon page. Members receive a subscription to Full Stop Quarterly, as well as early access to online essays and podcast episodes.
You can also make a one-time donation via PayPal here or purchase individual issues of Full Stop Quarterly via Gumroad here.
Special Thanks
Anna-Claire Stinebring, Brendan Roach, Larissa Pham, Lauren Friedlander, Nina Renata Aron, Eleanor Gold, David Walker, Micheline Heal, Lucas Brown, C. Max Magee, Edan Lepucki, Emma Straub, Joanna Smith Rakoff, Kaila Philo, Allison N. Conner, Devin Kelly, A.M. Davenport, Mollie Elizabeth Pyne, Meagan Day, Nathan Goldman, Jesse Montgomery, Darren Huang, CLMP