
Pathos: Sam Lipsyte


The fiction writer, at least, creates the lie to contain the truth.

Pathos: Blake Butler


I started writing because I was tired of considering my own reality. Anyone should be able to write about anything they want, regardless of where they’ve been or where they are now.

Pathos: Neal Pollack


This is hardly a tragedy, I realize, and hardly original, but until Hollywood kicked me hard in the nuts I’d always thought that I would succeed massively at whatever I tried.

Pathos: Alex Gilvarry


The business of writing is contingent on the tastes and judgment of others. Editors, critics, Oprah. Again, we adapt to tune it all out.

Pathos: Alexis Smith


When you get right down to it, is that I have an overactive dreamlife, and instead of letting it stunt my emotional growth, alienate others, and compromise my sanity, I write.

Pathos: Antoine Wilson


A writer’s life is full of moments when you feel you’re starting from absolute scratch.

Pathos: James Guida


Writing is always partly artifice, a lie — a selection and arrangement of some things, the omission of others. Truth, in a straightforward sense anyway, can be beside the point.

Pathos: Miles Klee


Good work materializes under all economic conditions, so you might as well be wealthy.

Pathos: Lee Rourke


The world owes me nothing. The world is indifferent to me, it feels nothing for me. I am merely attempting to secure some sort of foothold on the sheer cliff face up to its sumptuous plateaus.

Pathos: Stephanie LaCava


Need is essential to be a writer.