Full Stop Quarterly: Fall 2022
What does it mean to join a fight one no longer believes one can win? In our latest issue, writers confront the malaise and suspicion of cynicism.
It’s a mistake to place the classic authors on a pedestal, but also to ignore their problematic histories to glorify the present.
In the immortal and ominous words of Prince Buster, “Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.”
“The Ostrich is the Key for the Future Development of all Mankind!”
Trove Vol. 6: New Year, Old Books
Trove Newsletter’s February 2022 Backlist Recommendations
Full Stop founding editors Eric Jett and Alex Shephard dive deep into the world of Jonathan Franzen!
Every year when THE SOUND OF MUSIC aired on the local station, we were not allowed to watch it because my grandmother hated Julie Andrews, whom she considered an adventurous prude, a category of women she despised.
The year’s best books, as selected by the editors of Full Stop.
Full Stop Quarterly: Winter 2021
There’s a language between the languages, where a translation lives. This other place is where Full Stop ventures in this quarterly issue.
Squid Game: All You Need Is Death
Because you’ve already devoured Netflix’s limited series Squid Game, you know that it’s a metaphor of objet petit a, specifically under the Lacanian theory of desire.