From Savagery – Alejandra Banca
FROM SAVAGERY, the debut work of fiction by Alejandra Banca, beautifully translated by Katie Brown . . . gives a voice to a new generation of Venezuelan migrants creating life abroad.
Thanks for This Riot – Janelle Bassett
Connections, too often, mean relinquishing control, and none of the women in THANKS FOR THIS RIOT have enough to spare.
With her steady, precise attention to everyday life on this sad, cozy ward, Gråbøl gently troubles our received ideas about healing.
The Degenerates – Raeden Richardson
Maha’s gift is born of grief, of the fear and pain that has defined her own life, and she too is a degenerate.
Julia Kornberg & Jack Rockwell
The West might want us to think of ourselves as different and peripheral . . . they might urge us to portray images that fulfill their prejudices about Argentina, [but] we can have a more universalist approach and write, essentially, about whatever we want, and it will still be Argentine literature.
Low: Notes on Art and Trash – Jaydra Johnson
Most of our social processes involving trash are designed to remove it from consciousness: out of sight, out of mind. Johnson’s goal is the opposite. She aims to spur a renewed awareness of trash.
Ordinary Devotion – Kristen Holt-Browning
ORDINARY DEVOTION is an original work on the ancient and current theme of women’s desire for respect in a society that often devalues them.
Nerves Between Song – Geoffrey Olsen
Even as human exceptionalism and capitalist greed threaten the survival of “other worlds,” life manages to return amid the ruins.
In Raisa Tolchinsky’s take on Dante’s INFERNO, we are ushered into hell not by Virgil but by a chorus of female boxers.
Misinterpretation – Ledia Xhoga
[Xhoga’s narrator] lives a double life, oscillating between a state of deep intimacy and complete isolation.