by Patrick Nathan

77 – Guillermo Saccomanno


77 is a novel of terror.

What Happens Next


There are no breaks, no seasons, no episodes: just one unending cliffhanger, and all of us wondering whether or not we’ll die in a nuclear war before he leaves office.

Mood Indigo – Boris Vian


Vian peppers this Elysium with small, threatening glimpses of the world in which they live and to which they remain oblivious.

Faces in the Crowd – Valeria Luiselli


Aspiring novelist, discerning critic, circular essayist, unabashed prose enthusiast — any one of a writer’s identities, his or her separate selves, has something to say about a great book. Perhaps that, right there, is what makes great books great: engaging all selves at once.

The Whole of Life – Jürg Laederach


Never before have I spent so long reading and re-reading a novel’s first page, trying to make sense of it. Already, I’d been tricked.

Lotería – Mario Alberto Zambrano


Fiction is never real, but good fiction is always true.

The Child – Pascale Kramer


To Kramer’s credit, and to the reader’s dignity, there is no life because life itself is comprised of death, of disease, of a boy’s rotten teeth and a lover’s disintegrating body.

Noughties – Ben Masters


For all his supposed nihilism and self-proclaimed untaggability, Eliot’s story is archetypal.