by Allysson Casais

The Simple Art of Killing a Woman – Patricia Melo


While violent fantasy is cathartic, it does not bring about justice. That, the narrator comes to realize, is found elsewhere.

Moldy Strawberries – Caio Fernando Abreu


An existentialist dread runs throughout the narratives as they are marked by an exploration of the self, expressing the fears of a generation facing incredible challenges.

How We Are Translated – Jessica Gaitán Johannesson


In her debut novel, Johannesson brings forth discussions that have long existed (the experience of being between languages) as well as new ones (contemporary tensions over displaced people), joining the two under one specific idea: translation.

Gordo – Jaime Cortez


Cortez seems far less interested in exploring trauma than people’s resilience.

Occupation – Julián Fuks


If the abandoned luxury hotel is now occupied by poor, disenfranchised bodies, it could be said that Sebastián’s (and in turn, Julián’s) writing is occupied by their narratives.