by Robert Fay

In the Universe of Wonders and Astonishments


If we consider 1968 as the apex of the Baby Boomer’s revolutionary spirit, 40 years later many people are still engaged in the shoving contest known as the culture wars over who was right, and more importantly, how we should live our lives.

T.S. Eliot: Employee of the Month


If Mr. Eliot had to have a day job, why is it that writers and poets today are so cagey about what they do to pay the bills?

In the Footsteps of David Foster Wallace


It is artistic transference, better than anything else that explains the reverence people have towards Wallace’s books. Yet when it comes to my own connection to Wallace, the story is less about his books, and more about my own life and languid drift across America.

The Terrible Affliction of Beauty


“You wish to speak about beauty and the modern world,” Mishima would say while lighting a hand-rolled cigarette. “I wrote about this back in ’59…Surely, Professor Scruton, you’ve read my book?”