With her steady, precise attention to everyday life on this sad, cozy ward, Gråbøl gently troubles our received ideas about healing.
The proliferation of a kind of heroin porn may be normalizing the epidemic, but it is failing to humanize it.
“The moments of transitioning to motherhood were moments of clarity, of cutting through the things that I wasn’t able to cut through before.”
Family, Genus, Species – Kevin Allardice
Allardice’s deft novel is deceptively complex, layered not simply with satire, but with emotional revelations about family, community, sexuality, parenthood, race, and class
Carter succeeds in creating a lush but airless environment in which the anxieties of “adulting” — finding direction, meaning, maintaining a home — are amplified to crippling effect.
What really saves MISCHLING is Konar’s astonishing lyricism. Against Adorno’s statement, here there is poetry in everything.