by Cory Austin Knudson

QAnon’s Pendulum: On Umberto Eco’s Fiction and Right-Wing Conspiracism


The stories of Umberto Eco and QAnon are those of people desperate for meaning, and of people willing to give them some semblance of it for profit, for power, or even for laughs.

The Influence Peddlers – Hédi Kaddour


If increasingly Islamophobic western cultures can be collectively taken as Troy, THE INFLUENCE PEDDLERS at its best is a Trojan Horse in which not all the soldiers fit — or at least fit comfortably.

Bodies of Summer – Martin Felipe Castagnet


At its best Castagnet’s debut work artfully skirts overt philosophizing about mind-body relations and necropolitics, keeping this slim speculative novel at an athletic pace and leaving ample room for us to explore its marvelous world for ourselves.

Disorderly Families – Arlette Farge & Michel Foucault


Farge and Foucault’s presentation of their findings in the Bastille archives provides a much-needed corrective to historians’ hitherto single-scale, unidirectional perspective.