Cheryl Strayed! Cheryl Strayed! It’s Cheryl Strayed! Dear Sugar has revealed her real-world identity, and sweet peas around the world are beside themselves. If you’re a Dear Sugar reader and you’re unfamiliar with Strayed’s work, we’ve put together a few links to help you play catch-up:

-An interview with The New Yorker about writing Dear Sugar.

A beautiful essay she wrote a while back for The Sun.

An excerpt from her novel, Torch.

-A place to preorder a copy of her upcoming memoir, Wild.

-If you are or will be in New York toward the end of March, a reading for you to attend.

Hooray for unveilings! As someone who has had an inkling about the Cheryl Strayed/Dear Sugar connection for a while, I can say that knowing who she is only adds to the Dear Sugar experience. Happy coming out, Sugar!

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