To paraphrase Kurt Vile: you know us, we’re around.
Over at The Awl, Max Rivlin-Nadler weighs in on the shifting trends and fortunes of our nation’s funeral parlors:
In the past twenty years, funeral directors have had to transform from presenters of a failed organism, where the sensation of closure is manifest in the presence of the deceased body, to the arbitrators of the meaning of a secular life that has just been reduced to ash.
At Splitsider, Contributing Editor Michael Schapira discusses the best book he’ll read (also the best book I’ll read) in 2012: Alan Partridge’s, I, Partridge:
Or perhaps it is the peculiar completist mentality that is so prevalent amongst comedy fans (the pressure leading to the Arrested Development and Party Down movies are perfect examples of this). We’ve have been given plenty of material to build up our own images of Partridge and to see that image push back and take new forms is a wonderful thing.
Because Full Stop is as concerned with The Situation in American Waffles as it is with The Situation in American Writing, Eric Jett and I join an esteemed panel, including friends of the site Michael Schaub and Jacob Silverman, to discuss the present and future of America’s breakfast:
I like to think that my breakfast menu is relatively eclectic, but if I’m being honest, when it’s 8 a.m. and I’m sitting at the kitchen table in my pajamas with a long day ahead of me, I’m a committed continentalist. After all, waffles, with their trademark grids, are the breakfast food most directly influenced by Descartes.
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