Last week, a Reddit user pointed out that the “I Hate Reading” Facebook page has 438,700 “likes”. Appalled, Galleycat conducted further research and found that the “I Hate Books” page has 271,471 “likes”. The universal response? NOOOOOOOOO!
Why would anybody, especially the educated mass that is the Internet, dislike books? The Internet is for cats, album leaks, and convincing you to put down the bore that is the Internet and instead pick up a life-less, Flash-less, cat-less book. Especially on such a bastion of culture like Facebook, this behavior is simply deplorable.
Still, all this rancor around these book-hating philistines takes attention away from other, funnier, and much truer book-related Facebook groups like — “I hate when i daydream while im reading, and then i have to re-read,” which has 46,853 “likes”.
Some comment gems include:
-“why cant your eyes just realize that your thinking and at least stop. that way you dont get so far and then have to go back. you think they would know.”
-omg i haaaaaattteee thattt!!!!!! it only happens 2 me when im reading books that dont interest me 😛
other great book-related Facebook pages include,
-the meta-phobic I hate reading about reading and writing about writing
– the true and mean I hate when the kid who sucks at reading is picked to read in class.
-the anglophobic I hate reading stupid books in English
-the suspense reader I Hate Accidentally Reading The Sentence In A Book That Reveals The Ending.
-the depressing I hate it when you come back to reality after reading a good book!
-the bizarre I Hate When Im In School, And I Keep Coughing While Somebodys Reading
-and the not weird at all It’s weird that I LOVE texting, but I HATE reading and writing!
In conclusion, because half-a-million people “like” disliking books, we might as well kiss our sweet-ass literary culture goodbye.
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