Full Stop Managing Editor Jesse Montgomery was arrested last night while participating in a march that aimed to draw attention to the decrepit state of Philadelphia’s infrastructure, and the failure of congress to create jobs for working people. Montgomery was arrested with 23 others as they refused to leave the Market Street Bridge.
According to the Fight for Philly website:
“The Market Street Bridge, which is in as bad a state of disrepair as the collapsed Minneapolis bridge, is a vivid example of the many roads, schools and other infrastructure sites in need of repair.
In fact, more than a quarter of Philadelphia’s bridges share the same classification from the Federal Highway Administration.”
This march was part of a National Day of Action in support of the #ows movement. Over 250 people were arrested in New York City, with scores others arrested around the nation who were demonstrating for a better, more equitable America. Over 1,000 marchers in Philadelphia rallied Congress to “create jobs, stop cuts and Make Wall Street banks pay.”
Here’s hoping for a safe stay and speedy release. Godspeed, Montgomery.
[Update 3:18: He’s out and in high spirits.]
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