Three Brothers: Memories of My Family – Yan Lianke
Yan is concerned with death in this arresting work, not only the death of loved ones, but of a whole moment in Chinese history that, for ever more young people, is incomprehensible and even non-existent.
The Day The Sun Died – Yan Lianke
Without revealing too much, one can simply butcher Chekhov by observing that, if you read a story that mentions corpse oil, you can be pretty sure that it will be used, sooner or later.
The Sacred Era – Yoshio Aramaki
Formerly preoccupied with imagining the future, science fiction is more inclined toward future anteriority.
The Willow King – Meelis Friedenthal
With our own era’s debates on science, truth, and the merit of religion, THE WILLOW KING makes us appreciate how much, and how little, have changed in the intervening three hundred years.