by Alana Mohamed

Two Plays – Satish Alekar


In Two Plays, Alekar’s sense of whimsy, bolstered by the translator’s ear for colloquialism, becomes an antidote to the intellectually stifling nature of the modern world.

Claudia Acevedo-Quiñones


It’s easier to stay in a place that’s known to you even if it’s hurting you. So there’s a question of loyalty, whether to your country or your family, that is complicated by being a colony.

What if we all lay down and everything was fine and no one died?


What if an immigrant got tired?

What if an immigrant was lazy?

I think that’s when they send a federal agent to your local masjid.

On PONTI by Sharlene Teo


In Southeast Asian film and culture, the pontianak has grown ubiquitous as an undead woman, cursed with immense beauty and monstrosity. This icon is at the center of Sharlene Teo’s Ponti, a novel that chronicles the lives of three misfit women.