We’re excited to announce the 2022 Full Stop Editorial Fellows: Ching-In Chen and Gillian Joseph!
These three-month long fellowships invite early-career writers or editors to independently envision, commission, and edit an issue of the Full Stop Quarterly. Each fellow receives a budget to commission non-fiction essays and art, as well as guidance from the Full Stop editorial collective on every step of the process. The resulting quarterly issues will be released in Spring and Summer 2023.
Keep reading below to meet the fellows and learn about their editorial projects. And subscribe to our Patreon to receive these forthcoming issues of the Full Stop Quarterly and help support this Fellowship for future years.
Ching-In Chen

My special issue of Full Stop Quarterly will spotlight voices and stories in conversation with “Breathing in a Time of Disaster,” an improvised choral performance, installation and speculative writing project exploring the unit of breath through the intersection of meditation, health and environmental justice.
Part choreographed and improvised score, part map, part speculative fiction, part feast, part divination, part art criticism, the project aims to disrupt mainstream narratives of our changing climate in favor of witnessing creative strategies of survival used by communities often demonized by mainstream media. I plan on curating speculative and documentary writing which explores individual and collective responses to disaster and our relationship to breathing and public air, especially in relation to public health, air pollution and ecological change.
If you have interest in contributing to this special issue of the Full Stop Quarterly, contact Ching-In at [email protected].
Ching-In Chen is descended from ocean dwellers and author of The Heart’s Traffic: a novel in poems and recombinant (2018 Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Poetry) as well as chapbooks to make black paper sing and Kundiman for Kin :: Information Retrieval for Monsters (Leslie Scalapino Finalist). Chen is co-editor of The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities and currently a core member of the Massage Parlor Outreach Project. They have received fellowships from Kundiman, Lambda, Watering Hole, Can Serrat, Imagining America, and the Intercultural Leadership Institute as well as the Judith A. Markowitz Award for Exceptional New LGBTQ Writers. They teach in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and the MFA program in Creative Writing and Poetics at the University of Washington Bothell. www.chinginchen.com
Gillian Joseph

Over the past few years, more Indigenous-created horror stories continue to reach print, screens, and exhibits than ever before. Yet, there have been few deep dives into horror that seek to uplift Indigenous creators and understand how indigeneity shapes horror as both a genre and as an experience and expression of fear. In “Reclaiming Horror,” the special issue of Full Stop Quarterly that I’m editing, I hope to celebrate and platform Indigenous storytellers who continue to unapologetically share their insight, emotions, and vulnerability in a genre that has a legacy of dehumanizing us and appropriating our cultures.
This special issue will center horror as a place where Indigenous people can explore historical and intergenerational trauma; interrogate and imagine the contemporary manifestations of colonialism on their selves, communities, and societies; pass on traditional teachings; and forge new stories and spaces to connect with each other in the present and future. It will question the limitations of the settler-defined horror genre, and if the horror genre would exist at all without Indigenous people.
If you have interest in contributing to this special issue of the Full Stop Quarterly, contact Gillian at [email protected].
Gillian Joseph (they/them) is a queer 2-Spirit Ihaŋktoŋwaŋ and Mdewakaŋtoŋ Dakota storyteller who grew up as a guest on Waxhaw and Catawba lands. They are a folio editor at Anomaly and author of Protector of the Beads: a Dakhota Poem (forthcoming from Wíyouŋkihipi Productions). Alongside writing, they work in the mental health field with a focus on Indigenous health sovereignty.
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