The week’s best online fiction, links with recommendations from the editors of

The Last Photon by Brian Biswas

Published at Cafe Irreal

Here’s the kind of jewel you can find in Cafe Irreal. A meditation on distant gods, distant stars – expertly narrated. Also he’s riding on a beam of light. You will enjoy riding this story.

Baby Stories by Jane Carman

Pubslihed at Devil’s Lake Journal

Oh. My. god. Please read this story. It’s about babies, but we’re all babies, and because we’re all babies and this stories is about babies I’m almost crying. Seriously I am. I opened the computer today and logged into Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, and Gmail to go about my business and I decided, like I’ve been trying–hoping–to open an entirely new window and read this story. I had a Gchat going, yes. I had Tweets coming in, yes. People were updating their statuses on Facebook. But I looked away. And I read this story. And–I’m ready to live again.–David Backer

Less Than Living by Jason Duke

Published at Spinetingler Magazine

Despair is often an element in stories, its eerie gravity capable of drawing in a reader quickly, but seldom is it featured as both protagonist and antagonist as in LESS THAN LIVING. Jason Duke’s crime prose has always rented space in the sullen quarters of the human condition, but LESS THAN LIVING manages a palpable misery without ever once picking up the bludgeon of overheated prose. His emotion comes on like a sad drunk, working its way up the veins rather than yelling at you, until by the end you’re soaked in sorrow. Duke proves he can make apathy exciting.–Matt Funk


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