by Michelle Chan Schmidt
Read the introduction to our latest issue of the Full Stop Quarterly, “Literary Dis(-)appearances in (Post)colonial Cities.”
Dis(-)appearing Cities or: How I Learned to Stop Walking and Love the Empire
Read the introduction to our latest issue of the Full Stop Quarterly, “Literary Dis(-)appearances in (Post)colonial Cities.”
by Margarita Diaz
Without Eve’s disobedience, there would have been no progress, advancement, or human intelligence, and for that, in Freeley’s view, Eve deserves “a profound salaam of admiration and respect” as “the first courageous, undaunted pioneer woman of the world.”
Fair to Look Upon – Mary Belle Freeley
Without Eve’s disobedience, there would have been no progress, advancement, or human intelligence, and for that, in Freeley’s view, Eve deserves “a profound salaam of admiration and respect” as “the first courageous, undaunted pioneer woman of the world.”
by Colin Lavery
These essays demonstrate that Roe is about far more than the rights of individual states to legislate abortion.
Roe v. Wade: Fifty Years After – ed. Rhae Lynn Barnes & Catherine Clinton
These essays demonstrate that Roe is about far more than the rights of individual states to legislate abortion.
by Venya Gushchin
Market and technological forces are at the heart of Ruby’s analysis: How does poetry change in different social roles and contexts? How do different technologies and audience expectations shape poetry, and what happens when we think of poetry itself as a technology?
Context Collapse: A Poem Containing a History of Poetry – Ryan Ruby
Market and technological forces are at the heart of Ruby’s analysis: How does poetry change in different social roles and contexts? How do different technologies and audience expectations shape poetry, and what happens when we think of poetry itself as a technology?
by Margarita Diaz
Without Eve’s disobedience, there would have been no progress, advancement, or human intelligence, and for that, in Freeley’s view, Eve deserves “a profound salaam of admiration and respect” as “the first courageous, undaunted pioneer woman of the world.”
Fair to Look Upon – Mary Belle Freeley
Without Eve’s disobedience, there would have been no progress, advancement, or human intelligence, and for that, in Freeley’s view, Eve deserves “a profound salaam of admiration and respect” as “the first courageous, undaunted pioneer woman of the world.”
by Colin Lavery
These essays demonstrate that Roe is about far more than the rights of individual states to legislate abortion.
Roe v. Wade: Fifty Years After – ed. Rhae Lynn Barnes & Catherine Clinton
These essays demonstrate that Roe is about far more than the rights of individual states to legislate abortion.
by Venya Gushchin
Market and technological forces are at the heart of Ruby’s analysis: How does poetry change in different social roles and contexts? How do different technologies and audience expectations shape poetry, and what happens when we think of poetry itself as a technology?
Context Collapse: A Poem Containing a History of Poetry – Ryan Ruby
Market and technological forces are at the heart of Ruby’s analysis: How does poetry change in different social roles and contexts? How do different technologies and audience expectations shape poetry, and what happens when we think of poetry itself as a technology?
by McKenzie Watson-Fore
Desprairies challenges the reader to inhabit a morally fraught protagonist. Why would someone collaborate with Nazis, the novel asks. Who would do such a thing?
The Propagandist – Cécile Desprairies
Desprairies challenges the reader to inhabit a morally fraught protagonist. Why would someone collaborate with Nazis, the novel asks. Who would do such a thing?
w/ Elizabeth Hall
It’s still an open question in my mind whether writing can inspire or support good and loving actions at the scale that it facilitates and fuels evil ones.
Charlotte Shane
It’s still an open question in my mind whether writing can inspire or support good and loving actions at the scale that it facilitates and fuels evil ones.
w/ Elizabeth Brogden
I didn’t have a grand narrative. I didn’t have one idea of what it meant. I had many ideas of what might be happening to me, what sort of transformation this was . . . I wanted to leave room for that uncertainty and that process of making up my mind.
Ayşegül Savaş
I didn’t have a grand narrative. I didn’t have one idea of what it meant. I had many ideas of what might be happening to me, what sort of transformation this was . . . I wanted to leave room for that uncertainty and that process of making up my mind.
w/ Alia Spartz
My grandmother’s house, which is the house in WOODWORM, is charged with strange energy. Nobody wants to sleep there alone, and it is common to have this feeling of being accompanied even if you don’t see or hear anyone.
Layla Martínez
My grandmother’s house, which is the house in WOODWORM, is charged with strange energy. Nobody wants to sleep there alone, and it is common to have this feeling of being accompanied even if you don’t see or hear anyone.
w/ Federico Perelmuter
The West might want us to think of ourselves as different and peripheral . . . they might urge us to portray images that fulfill their prejudices about Argentina, [but] we can have a more universalist approach and write, essentially, about whatever we want, and it will still be Argentine literature.
Julia Kornberg & Jack Rockwell
The West might want us to think of ourselves as different and peripheral . . . they might urge us to portray images that fulfill their prejudices about Argentina, [but] we can have a more universalist approach and write, essentially, about whatever we want, and it will still be Argentine literature.
by Olivia Muenz
The body can guide the process of its own translation if its author will let it. An expert at adaptation, it already knows how to exist on the page.
The Textbody: Rendering the Body’s Divergences
The body can guide the process of its own translation if its author will let it. An expert at adaptation, it already knows how to exist on the page.
by Thaddeus Squire
In the end, a long-term structural operating deficit killed UArts, not a capital fundraising shell game or evil provost.
The Folly of Philanthropy: On the Demise of UArts
In the end, a long-term structural operating deficit killed UArts, not a capital fundraising shell game or evil provost.
by Ali Nahdee
Blending a cultural story and creating something new with it can be good or bad, depending on who’s telling the story and who’s in charge of the narrative.
The Native American Horror Story (video essay)
Blending a cultural story and creating something new with it can be good or bad, depending on who’s telling the story and who’s in charge of the narrative.
by Hana Pera Aoake
Failure doesn’t . . . mean we have lost or that we can’t live in a world where Palestine is free, where the Congo is free, where Hawai’i is free, where West Papua is free, and where Western Sahara is free. . . . Everything is broken, but it doesn’t mean that the horror our ancestors experienced or that we continue to bear witness to cannot be healed.
Rangi is my ancestor, your ancestor is money . . .
Failure doesn’t . . . mean we have lost or that we can’t live in a world where Palestine is free, where the Congo is free, where Hawai’i is free, where West Papua is free, and where Western Sahara is free. . . . Everything is broken, but it doesn’t mean that the horror our ancestors experienced or that we continue to bear witness to cannot be healed.
by Michelle Chan Schmidt
Read the introduction to our latest issue of the Full Stop Quarterly, “Literary Dis(-)appearances in (Post)colonial Cities.”
Dis(-)appearing Cities or: How I Learned to Stop Walking and Love the Empire
Read the introduction to our latest issue of the Full Stop Quarterly, “Literary Dis(-)appearances in (Post)colonial Cities.”
by The Editors
Get to know our 2024 Full Stop Editorial Fellows, Keely Shinners and Annalise Peters!
Introducing the Full Stop Editorial Fellows
Get to know our 2024 Full Stop Editorial Fellows, Keely Shinners and Annalise Peters!
by The Editors
Full Stop invites applications for two Full Stop Editorial Fellows. These six-month fellowships invite early career writers or editors to independently envision, commission, and edit an issue of the Full Stop Quarterly.
Call for Applications: 2024 Full Stop Editorial Fellows
Full Stop invites applications for two Full Stop Editorial Fellows. These six-month fellowships invite early career writers or editors to independently envision, commission, and edit an issue of the Full Stop Quarterly.
by Maya Abu Al-Hayyat
Lately I’ve stopped looking at my father; his body is just another part of the room now, like the bed, the chair, and the window onto the maternity ward.
No One Knows Their Blood Type (Excerpt)
Lately I’ve stopped looking at my father; his body is just another part of the room now, like the bed, the chair, and the window onto the maternity ward.