by Michael Schapira

20 4 420: Irie Edition


In the immortal and ominous words of Prince Buster, “Enjoy Yourself, it’s later than you think.”

Tim Ingold


For me the great thing about anthropology – and the reason I remain an anthropologist – lies in this freedom that it grants its practitioners to roam intellectually.

Stanley Corngold


Did Congress know that as a result of Sputnik we were going to have a deconstruction-mad America?

A Marxist Education – Wayne Au


The overdetermination of education as a moral endeavor is rife both within the profession and in public and political discourse.

Malcolm Harris


It’s fun to see people talk about revolution seriously, because they can’t imagine anything else anymore and it’s starting to enter the consciousness.

Imani Perry


By virtue of being the child of a migrant, Lorraine Hansberry understood something deep about all these spaces that were supposed to be hopeful.

Dana Villa


Like Max Weber, I think it’s dishonest and somewhat cheesy to use the lecture platform to voice one’s own political leanings. Students deserve better than to be harangued or have their liberal or conservative prejudices confirmed.

20 4 420: Irie Edition


Last year on this date I claimed, “I think it’s safe to say that, at this moment, where we find ourselves now, we need good reggae more than ever.” Plus ça change….

Christopher Newfield (part 2)


University decline is like climate change. It has multiple causes… [and] each cause works slowly enough to allow most people to stay in denial about their effects.

Christopher Newfield


We talk a lot about the limits of critique. I’m more worried about the absence of critique. I mean institutional critique, including self-critique. That’s how professions get out of blind alleys and advance.