Heavens on Earth – Carmen Boullosa
Language is as much for sharing, being together, as it is for suppressing, delegitimizing.
Annihilation Songs – Jason DeBoer
The syntax of struggle does not prevail.
The Attraction of Things / Story of Love in Solitude – Roger Lewinter
Lewinter asserts that time, as a sentence, visible in its extent on the page, durational in its reading but not in its image, is a mass, present all at once, although aggregated like granite.
I’ve always marveled at the architectural lexicon and the placid furiousness with which it names every feature, every ornament, every force.
The Sky Isn’t Blue – Janice Lee
This is Bachelard for the age of the digital memory, the confessional Bachelard.
The Surrender – Scott Esposito
The most fascinating aspect of THE SURRENDER is its project of reclaiming the thickness of language to describe a true self that is hermetically innate, but also temporally complex.